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Singles group

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Singles group

I am looking for singles that would be interested in starting a singles nudist group.A group that would be interested in putting togeteher events throught the year.Would be a great way for people to meet and start some new friendships and and maybe meeting someone for dating.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: single group

There are many singles nudists groups out there. But any kind of nudist singles group would be great. I think that some kind of a group within this site is a start. At least a forum to post messages. I found that naturism is very important to me and want to share that with a woman who might become a major part of my life and be able to share it. So maybe a forum would be good instead of sifting thru profiles.
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February 13, 2006
Posts: 16

PostPosted:     Post subject: Connecting with people
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Start off as friends and then move on to other things. I found a few people that have actually responded to my profile on, even though it is not the best-working website on the Internet and they do not (technically) permit nudity. The site works though, and I have built a network of a few friends over the past six months or so.

NudistFriendFinder is another site with free basic profiles, free photo uploads and a free forum.

NudePlaces is the final site I can recommend for connecting with other nudist, or like-minded individuals for friendship on a state-by-state basis. I just searched by State and recommended two profiles to the moderator fo another Yahoo! Group for nudists I am also a member of. I hope he checks them out and they are able to find things in common to talk about.

What more can you do? Just get out there and try. I have talked about doing "self promotion" online for the past several years, but I do not do enough of it myself. And recently I commented on a friends profile that her photos were like allowing someone to look into the window of her home. Is that what she really wanted? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Fortunately most sites do not allow members to see each others' IP addesses and by that allow them to confirm which country or state they are writing from. A good thing.

The Internet is an odd invention because it allows those of us with the "gene" for it to express ourselves in ways that were almost impossible 15 years ago. It will change the way people relate to each other, and I am convinced many peoples' websites or pages will come back to haunt them later. So be careful with what you post online, be sincere and be certain what you write is something you will stand up for if ever questioned on it later.
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July 30, 2006
Posts: 41

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I will be watching this website for signs of life...seems to be a good one. Never know when someone will pass thru that is close enough to meet. It would be wonderful to meet someone already in the lifesyle of freedom.
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Suggestions

I'm back in the loop after settling in to my college routine. Now I can begin to search out new friends and see what happens

I would like to make a suggestion to you fellows out there...Try putting a picture in your ad, even one with a hat and shades is better than nothing.Also...put a few details in the profile...I won't respond to an ad with less information than my own and I did try to put in as much info as I could. Spelling correctly helps a whole lot too.

Lastly, be willing to respond to *my* profile with more than one sentence.
Passion is great...but a single pickup line (you know the one I mean) will get the email deleted.

I don't think any of my suggestions are unreasonable, so please give it some thought and give me some details to go on when I search the New York listings!

I now return you to your regular bandwidth!


*who's about half way between SU and Rochester
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Not much action in this forum -- only one thread, four years ago. I second what the nameless former member said: if you will not tell me anything about yourself, then I have no reason to be interested in meeting you. When I do a profile search, I ignore all the ones with no info. I ignore most of the ones with no picture, but even without a picture, you might get my attention if I see something interesting in the first couple lines of your info.

As far as a singles group, you do need to be sure to set the tone for what you are looking for, and maintain that. For awhile I was seeing a guy who liked to go to his gay "nudist" group; but the milieu there was more like a gay swingers' group. I told him I was not okay with that, and did not care to go. If a swingers' group is not what you are looking for, you will need to be sure to weed out those types of people before their agenda takes over. If it is... don't expect me to join you.

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August 28, 2012
Posts: 1

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`I take it as the interest has dissapated from this?

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